Výstava | Datum | Ocenění |
NVP - Mladá Boleslav | 21.7.2024 | V1, CAC, NV |
MVP - Litoměřice | 26.5.2024 | V1, CAC, BOS, CACIB |
MVP - České Budějovice | 14.4.2024 | V1, CAC, r.CACIB |
NVP - Špilberka | 17.3.2024 | V1, CAC, BOS, NV |
MVP - TrioCACIB Prague Expo Dog | 9.12.2023 | V1, CAC, BOB, CACIB |
MVP - České Budějovice | 8.10.2023 | V1, CAC, BOS, CACIB |
MVP - Interdog Bohemia | 20.8.2023 | V1, CAC, BOB, CACIB |
MVP - Litoměřice | 28.5.2023 | V1, CAC, r.CACIB |
MVP - Klatovy | 18.9.2022 | VD1 |
MVP - Interdog Bohemia | 21.8.2022 | V1, CAJC, BOB, BOJ |
MVP - TrioCACIB Prague Expo Dog | 6.8.2022 | V1, CAJC, BOJ |
Star's of White Night Eney
Future Queen z Bieleho domu
Feeling's Clemente
RKF 4607805
Star's Of White Night Femme Fatale
RKF 4273453
Nagyiredi Trant
MET 219
Bellatrix Lestrange z Šardanu
SPKP 2505
Feeling's Konan
FCA 27284
Feeling's Yuyita
FCA 17717
Star's Of White Night Ermak
RKF 3328965
Star's Of White Night Unona
ISBR 14939
Zso Gyémántja Tyson
MET 275
Odry von der Gondhauzi
MET 9861
Ulysses Terra Rossa
Hope Blues La Nanasim
SPKP 2214/12
Feeling's You Too
Feeling's Mafalda
Feeling's X-tra Life
FCA 10625
Matraszepe Mont Blanc
MET SCHN. 5402/03
Star's of White Night Ametist
RKF 2818019
Star's Of White Night Shahnaz
RKF 2665498
Star's Of White Night Givenchy
ISBR 315676
Peppino Quelle
ISBR 308118
Star's Of White Night Aritos
RKF 2818018
You Are My Honey Ama-Pepsi
MET 215
Mervar's Exclusive Star Quality
Innovating Me of Roxy's Pride
BILJ 2651638
Aladin Blues La Nanasim
Mervar's Jewel Of The Sky Gambler
Narkis Blues La Nanasim
ISBR 101499
Rice's Shalom Blues La Nanasim
ISBR 12857