Valentino z Šardanu
SPKP 2392
Special Event z Šardanu
SPKP 2307/15
Kendra von Der Gondhauzi
SPKP 2310/13
Silmaril Brillantino From Dolina Rivendell
SPKP 2149/12
Hope Blues La Nanasim
SPKP 2214/12
Don't Stop Me Now MMJ v. Portenschlag
FCA 16802
Matraszepe Taboo
MET 8616
Gently Born Intelligent
RKF 216310
Innovating Me of Roxy's Pride
BILJ 2651638
Chelines Ciclamato Sodico
LOE 1605322
Matraszepe Taboo
MET 8616
Narkis Blues La Nanasim
ISBR 101499
Rice's Shalom Blues La Nanasim
ISBR 12857
Make My Day Les Amis du Channel
NHSB 2680931
KingsPort's Arabian White Jasmin WQUI
FCA 009691
Mervar's Exclusive Star Quality
Matraszepe Jingle Bell
MET 7820
Gently Born Baskin Robbins
RKF 1698352
Made In Spain Se Te Note
LOE 1435017
Karwish Nebraska Blizzard
Alisma Elfidar
PKR 86842
Chelines Carbonato Calcico
LOE 1394075
Chelines La Palida
LOE 1474051
Mervar's Exclusive Star Quality
Matraszepe Jingle Bell
MET 7820
I am Snowman v.d. Spikke
NHSB 2404962
Especialy Chrystal v.d. Spikke
NHSB 2389041
Hosszubereki-Csaszar Ixion
ISBR 323331
Rice's Pure Class All The Way
ISBR 323332